Professional development and community education
Mandated Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse:
Knowing Your Role in the Protection of Children
Approved by the Departments of Human Services, Education, and State, this training is eligible for Act 48 hours and meets the requirements for training under Act 126. This training also includes continuing education for licensees in a health-related field and meets the requirements under Act 31. This training is available in a 2-hour or 3-hour format.
You will learn:
The elements of child abuse, definitions, and categories of abuse.
Your duties as a mandated reporter, including how to make a report and protections for those who report.
The connection between child abuse and neglect and long-term health outcomes.
Signs and symptoms of child abuse and neglect.
How to respond to a disclosure of child abuse.
Practice scenarios to help build your confidence.
Care for Kids
The Care for Kids Workshop prepares early childhood educators to be proactive in preventing child sexual abuse through promotion of sexual health education.
Care for Kids is a comprehensive, community-based approach to prevention that provides early childhood educators and other professionals with information, materials, and resources to communicate positive messages about healthy sexuality to young children.
Situational Prevention Approach
Situational Prevention Approach was designed specifically for youth-serving organizations to better protect the children they serve by helping them identify risk factors, strengthen existing policies and procedures, and provide safety strategies for the overall physical environment of the organization.
Certified Transitions of PA staff assist organizations identify the opportunity for potential dangers that relate specifically to your institution and helps organizations develop a primary prevention and risk reduction plan. The Situational Prevention Approach has the potential to positively affect the lives of thousands of children by forming an approach that identifies threats and prevents child sexual abuse in youth-serving organizations.
Question, Persuade, Refer - A certified QPR Gatekeeper instructor provides vital information and resources regarding suicide prevention to professionals, institutions, organizations, and the public to learn about the nature of suicidal communications. QPR training describes the methods and strategies these communications take and how QPR intervention is used to prevent suicide attempts and completions. Participants are familiarized with the history, background, and research support for QPR suicide prevention. They are also educated to understand and recognize the warning signs of a person at risk and why QPR can work for them. The overall goal of the training is for attendees to become skilled to deal with the issues survivors face after an attempted suicide and how to make immediate referrals. This instructional course offers a new and promising approach to suicide prevention and explains modern day public health suicide prevention education efforts and how QPR fits into national suicide prevention efforts.
Truckers Against TraffickingTruckers Against Trafficking (TAT) training educates professional drivers and professional driving students on the ethical, legal, and social ramifications of human trafficking. Urging drivers to “make the call, save lives,” the training focuses on human trafficking as modern day slavery. An interactive discussion provides definition, legal terms, and alarming national and worldwide statistics, while a riveting documentary vividly illustrates how traffickers use force, fraud, and coercion to control their victims. Based on the true account of two teenage girls rescued because of a concerned trucker’s call, the video communicates essential knowledge and skills on identifying trafficking and responding to potential trafficking. TAT training provides a certificate of attendance for attendees’ personnel or student file as well as opportunity for additional information and resources.

Additional Topics:
Transitions of PA Services
Domestic Violence
Dating Violence
Sexual Assault
Human Trafficking
Child Sexual Abuse
Elder Abuse
Sexual Harassment
To schedule programming, please contact our education department:
Tracy Strosser, Outreach Coordinator
570-523-1134 x101