Training for medical professionals
Mandated Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse:
Knowing Your Role in the Protection of Children
Approved by the Departments of Human Services, Education, and State, this training is eligible for Act 48 hours and meets the requirements for training under Act 126. This training also includes continuing education for licensees in a health-related field and meets the requirements under Act 31. This training is available in a 2-hour or 3-hour format.
You will learn:
The elements of child abuse, definitions, and categories of abuse.
Your duties as a mandated reporter, including how to make a report and protections for those who report.
The connection between child abuse and neglect and long-term health outcomes.
Signs and symptoms of child abuse and neglect.
How to respond to a disclosure of child abuse.
Practice scenarios to help build your confidence.
Person-Centered Service Delivery
Using language and respect for self-determination to convey an understanding of personal dignity. This interactive class can be adjusted to meet the needs of your schedule and can vary in length from 30 minutes to two hours. To provide the scope and depth necessary for proficiency, we recommend a length of at least 60 minutes.
Options for a specific focus, depending on the population served by your organization:
Person-Centered Service Delivery for Older Adults
Person-Centered Service Delivery for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
Person-Centered Service Delivery in Medical Care Settings
Screening and Responding to Disclosures of Domestic Violence
for Dental Providers
A sensitive approach to obtaining information about a history of victimization, and resources for referring individuals seeking assistance. When providing medical or dental services, knowledge of a person's experience with violence can provide the framework for obtaining necessary service and accommodations, and allows providers to adjust care according to the individual’s needs. In this 30-60 minute class, providers can learn and practice methods of screening that protect the rights and dignity of clients, as well as how to refer an individual who may need assistance.
Screening Patients for Traumatic Brain Injury
Over half of domestic violence victims experience a traumatic brain injury. In this brief overview, providers can learn the signs and symptoms of TBI, develop effective screening methods, and learn to sensitively refer individuals who have been identified as having risk factors for a brain injury.
Screening and Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence
A sensitive approach to obtaining information about a history of victimization. In any direct care setting, knowledge of a history of sexual abuse can provide the framework for obtaining necessary service and accommodations, and allows providers to adjust care according to the individual’s needs. In this 30-60 minute class, providers can learn and practice methods of screening that protect the rights and dignity of clients.
Options for providers who serve a community with more specific focus:
Screening and Responding to Older Adults who Disclose an Experience of Sexual Violence
Screening and Responding to Individuals with Disabilities who Disclose an Experience of Sexual Violence
Screening and Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence in Healthcare Settings
Transitions—Partners in Providing Services
An informational, forty minute session to help providers learn how Transitions can help. Transitions provides services to individuals who have experienced domestic violence, sexual assault, and other serious crimes. Find out how we can help provide free, confidential services to your clients and organization. Transitions is your community resource for clients and staff, in providing holistic assistance to individuals who have experienced sexual assault, domestic violence, or other serious crimes.